“Everybody Matters” — Learnings from the book

Abhishek Paul
2 min readMar 29, 2019


Everyone (especially leaders) say their people are their biggest priority but rarely do their actions match their words. This is especially true when the big / tough decisions are to be made. This inconsistency (hypocrisy) leads to a culture that breeds distrust, paranoia, tribalism, etc.

The way people are treated at work impacts the way they are outside it. Their roles as sons/daughters, father/mother, husband/wives — without doubt the most influential roles they play in their lives is impacted by the way the organization (their manager, team members) treats them. I’ve never seen it like that before, but looking back at it the connection seems so obvious. If I were to spend a majority of my time in an unfulfilling or toxic work environment, the chances that I would have the energy required to play with my kids, listen to my wife or help around the house are minimal, ie, I become a lousy husband/dad.

The right that companies (managers / leaders) tend to think they have over people’s time and lives by extension simply because they pay them a monthly salary is quite frankly ridiculous and a recipe for interpersonal disaster.

The positive side to this dynamic is that if we as a team (2 or 3 people) or organizations can create an environment where people’s everyday experience is to feel valued, challenged, recognized, they will go home and play a little longer with their kids, listen more deeply to their wife and be more forgiving of their family.

Now that is an awesome responsibility, but it starts with a simple yet transformative idea: “success is measured by the way we touch the lives of people!

PS: Book — Everybody Matters by Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia



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